How can i help?

If you have grass or lawn at home, give the mower a rest for 2 or 3 weeks while the first flush of dandelions come into bloom,
usually in March or early April.
We’re sure you can find other things to be doing with your time!
You can mow earlier if you like, the flowers will still come through anyway, they’ll just likely be lower down to try and avoid your blades!
If you would like to do more to help pollinators all year round, visit

For green areas in your community that are usually mown, like roadside verges, estate green areas, roundabouts, parks, etc, give the mower a rest for 2 or 3 weeks while the first flush of dandelions come into bloom, usually in March or early April.
You can mow earlier, if needed, as the flowers will still bloom, and usually at a lower level which can look even nicer.
Use signs in publicly visible areas to highlight what you are doing.
We have one here that you can download, you could make your own, or there are signs on
Many Irish communities are already doing lots to promote biodiversity.
If you would like to do more to help pollinators all year round, visit

For green areas in your school that are usually mown, give the mower a rest for 2 or 3 weeks while the first flush of dandelions come into bloom, usually in March or early April.
You can mow earlier, if needed, as the flowers will still bloom, and usually at a lower level which can look even nicer.
Use signs in publicly visible areas to highlight what you are doing.
We have one here that you can download, you could make your own, or there are signs on
Many Irish schools are already doing lots to promote biodiversity.
If you would like to do more to help pollinators all year round, visit

For grassed public areas that are usually mown, like roadside verges, parks, estate green areas, roundabouts, etc. arrange to
pause mowing for 2 or 3 weeks while the first flush of dandelions come into bloom, usually in March or early April.
Grass can be cut earlier, if needed, as dandelions will come through anyway. If desirable, mown edges will help show the landscape is being managed.
Use signs in publicly visible areas to highlight what you are doing.
We have one here that you can download or there are signs on
Many Councils in Ireland are already taking action to protect biodiversity.
If you would like to do more to help pollinators all year round, visit
A company, a hospital, a college, a public building, etc.:
If you have areas of grass on your premises, arrange with your landscaper to pause mowing for 2 or 3 weeks while the first
flush of dandelions come into bloom, usually in March or early April.
Grass can be cut earlier, if needed, as dandelion will come through anyway. If desirable, mown edges will help show the landscape is being managed.
Use signs in publicly visible grass areas to highlight what you are doing, e.g. on verges, by carparks, etc. We have one here
that you can download or there are signs on
Many workplaces in Ireland, both public and private, are already taking action to protect biodiversity.
If you would like to do more to help pollinators all year round, visit